Year 13 – Research –
Things you need to complete!
1. Complete all your fieldwork collection.
Collect surveys/questionnaires (you will need a
reasonable amount – at least 25!)
Complete sketch maps/ sketches.
Take photographs
2. Complete the collection of secondary data.
Research on the Internet.
Requesting information from people.
Newspaper/magazine articles.
3. Writing up and presenting your results.
Produce graphs/maps (of questionnaire results or land use surveys)
Sketch maps. (of locations visited or land use surveys)
Annotated photos.
4. Writing your conclusion and summary of
What did you find out? Did you find the answer
to your main aim or hypothesis?
5. Writing your reflection and evaluation of
What did you do well and what would you do
differently next time and why?
Are your results valid or trustworthy? Did you
ask the right questions and to the right people?
What might have affected your results which may
make them inaccurate?
Your Assessment is due in on Friday the 25th July
You will find some useful information to help on
the student drive. Please look at the links in the PowerPoint below which will take
you to a website with examples of completed and marked assessments. This will
give you an idea of what is expected in order to get an Achieved, Merit and
Excellence in this assessment.
The following PowerPoint may also be useful.